The forests walk

The forests walk. At a speed that seems imperceptible to our human life, they walk. 18 meters every 10 years, 5 mm per day, the forests move north (or south, depending on the hemisphere we are talking about) and towards higher territories, fleeing the heat and seeking wetter areas. This seemingly insignificant fact alters other ecosystems in its path: animals, dialogues and coexistence between visible and non-visible species. Forests shelter more than 80% of terrestrial species (animals, plants, insects).
For our instantaneous life, the acceleration of this process is ungraspable, however, the consequences are visible.
From my small jewellery work, I would like to draw attention to these treasures that perhaps we do not appreciate enough. Reliquaries built with pieces of old wood, furniture parts, and household objects. Seed containers to plant trees anywhere.

Walking forests III
Walking forests III

Reliquary for storing seeds

Found wood, furniture parts, used objects, copper, chaguar fiber.

Walking forests II
Walking forests II

Reliquary for storing seeds
Found wood, furniture parts, used objects, copper, chaguar fiber.

The forests walk
The forests walk


Materials: woods found on a trip through southern Argentina, chaguar fibers, cultivated fungi and bacteria (Kombucha).