Jeweller, cultural manager and curator.
Pre-selection jury of the Province of Buenos Aires in the 110th National Exhibition of Visual Arts 2022, Argentina.
Specialist in Production of Critical Texts and Media Dissemination of the Arts, National University of the Arts.
I am part of the Fwiya Collective, and the Caracú Collective, with whom I expose my work as a jeweller.
Since 2008, I have belonged to Joyeros Argentinos, a collective that groups together contemporary jewellers in our country and is dedicated to the dissemination of the discipline and the work of its participants (joyerosargentinos.com.ar). Joyeros Argentinos is currently a national and international benchmark in the sector in Spanish, due to the quality of the work of its members, and the information on news, calls, courses, workshops, exhibitions, seminars, publications and interviews that it offers to its followers. Today the group is made up of more than sixty contemporary Argentine or resident jewellers.
Since 2016, together with Laura Giusti, I have organized the Latin American Biennials of Contemporary jewellery, with 4 editions held.
Over the last few years I have carried out numerous projects for the design and assembly of exhibitions for Joyeros Argentinos, Colectivo Fwiya and guests and the photography exhibition of Juan Giménez Zapiola at "Corazón Abierto", Galería Talenta, Buenos Aires. I also make designs for catalogs and books.
I work to broaden the gaze of the Argentine public towards contemporary jewellery, give it a place within Argentine artistic production and also project its international diffusion.